We signed an agreement to support the reconstruction of Ukraine with the Ukrainian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (UUIE).
Digitex is the first Polish company to sign an agreement to help our neighbors.
The Ukrainian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (UUIE), chaired by President Anatoly Kinah, former Prime Minister of Ukraine, cooperates with over 100 public organizations and industry associations. In May this year, we were the first company in Poland to sign a memorandum with the Association.
“The continuation of joint works, which had started before the war, is provided for in the memorandum with the Polish company DIGITEX Sp. z o.o. Sp.k. It is about implementing modern emergency alert systems and communication in the field of civil defense throughout the territory of Ukraine. Understanding the threat posed by the Russian Federation, UUIE and DIGITEX are working on projects aimed at the modernization and installation of warning systems (…)”
With the beginning of the war, UUIE and Polish partners received extremely urgent applications for the purchase of warning systems for many western regions. At this point, it is proposed to consider the possibility of using DIGITEX’s resources to produce the Ukrainian warning system.
You can read more about cooperation with digitex on the UUIE website